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About Us

MESH is an Indian Fair Trade Organisation providing Design, Capacity Building and Market Support for artisans with disabilities or affected by leprosy. We work with about twenty five autonomous organisations across India that might be, self-help groups, self-settled leprosy colonies, larger disability NGO's or workshops employing people with and without disabilities. They make handicrafts or hand weave products that MESH exports around the world or sells from our shop in New Delhi. 


We have more than four decades experience and have seen many lives changed as a result of gainful employment. 

A woman in a wheelchair beside a table in a workshop handling handicraft raw materials


To provide opportunities for people with disabilities or affected by leprosy to achieve social and economic integration by trading


Self sufficiency for our partners

four women and one man stood around a table folding pink block towels.  The table is marked with coloured block prints.
A brightly coloured grip of symbols explaining the ten principles of fair trade.


We follow the Ten Principles of Fair Trade and are audited members of The World Fair Trade Organisation.

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